(As of January 1st, 2022 – price starts from $74.99 for this court) Did you receive a traffic ticket for making an improper u-turn (NRS 484B.403) while driving on Cottonwood Cove Rd? Did you receive a traffic ticket while driving on US 95 for coasting in prohibited circumstances (NRS 484B.123)? Were you ticketed for interfering with a driver’s vision (NRS 484B.163)? These traffic tickets may be handled by the Searchlight Justice Court. You can check the top and bottom of your traffic violation and it should say the issuing party (Sheriff, Highway Patrol, Metro) and the county and court where the ticket will be handled. It is important to always check the deadline for appearance, which is typically shown on the bottom of citations. Failure to appear on or resolve before that date can result in a warrant. Some of the more common tickets we see for the Searchlight Justice Court are violations like Speeding, Failure to Yield, Failing to Observe Traffic Control Device and Improper Lane Overtake. These types of violations can often be negotiated with the Searchlight Justice Court via the District Attorney’s office. Some Courts and/or District Attorney’s may have policies in place that disallow such a negotiation, while others may actively welcome it.
Clark County may also have other court jurisdictions, which you can view by visiting our court directory. Our directory will provide direct links to other courts in various counties. As a courtesy we have provided contact info for forty (40) Justice Courts and sixteen (16) Municipal Courts, payment options, mailing addresses, and other general info for submitting your payments for traffic citations or calling about warrants and other traffic ticket search – lookup needs. “I have a ticket in” and now the answers are easy to find.
Nearby Towns people often receive traffic citations in: Cal-Nev-Ari, Palm Gardens, Laughlin, or Nelson. Sometimes people who are visiting the Colorado River in Laughlin receive speeding tickets or citations while traveling to and from Searchlight.
Before you pay
We always strongly suggest that you call us first, to learn what options may exist, and for the benefits of hiring a Las Vegas ticket lawyers like Nevada Traffic Ticket Pro. For a comprehensive list of benefits read our article here “why you should hire an attorney for your traffic tickets.”
Traffic Ticket Searches and Warrant Status, Warrant Search
If you need information or a status of your pending citation or to check to see if you might have a bench warrant, many of the courts have this information accessible online. If an online search link has not been provided for Searchlight Justice Court, then it is suggested that you call the clerk directly for the status.
Justice Courts
Each of Nevada’s counties and its independent city are divided into one or more townships, and each township has a justice court. The justice courts are courts of limited jurisdiction that hear only minor cases; in general, they hear misdemeanor cases (including traffic tickets), and civil cases involving $15,000 or less (including evictions and small claims cases). They may also hold probable cause hearings for felony and gross misdemeanor cases. There are 40 justice courts in the state.
Information Disclaimer
All information provided is a courtesy, no guarantee of accuracy is made, and you should always contact the court directly to confirm your information. Providing information as a courtesy does not constitute an attorney client relationship. To obtain legal advice please speak directly with an attorney. If you want to speak with an Attorney at Nevada Traffic Ticket Pro, please call and schedule a consultation.
Searchlight Justice Court Ticket Results
Searchlight Justice Court Ticket Results 1-25
Please note: Past results do no guarantee future results.
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Our frequently asked traffic ticket questions are based on the voluminous inquiries we receive daily. We’ve tried to think of it all, if you can think of something we can add or something you would like to know, please don’t hesitate to text message or call. (702) 888-6414
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