In many instances the fine/bail amount will be listed on your citation. If you have any questions about the fine amount, contact the court listed on your citation. Fines vary across the state depending on court, county and the driver circumstances (license type, driving record, etc.). Each court jurisdiction treats the negotiation of traffic citations differently. Some court will lower their fines, whereas other courts may also include additional administrative fees for negotiation the original charge. We can provide an answer in some cases that details what we commonly experience in outcomes, however, your driving record and individual circumstances may differ. Every case and court is different, as will be the outcome. Ask us, we have the expertise and are happy to share this knowledge with you.
Nevada Traffic Ticket Pro Pricing for Moapa Valley Justice Court Starts at $24.99. The pricing for our citations always depend on the type of charges, the number of charges and the court jurisdiction. We always ask people to contact us and we can usually provide an immediate quote to represent you. Call, text, email or use our online form, 24/7.
Information Disclaimer
All information provided is a courtesy, no guarantee of accuracy is made, and you should always contact the court directly to confirm your information. Providing information as a courtesy does not constitute an attorney client relationship. To obtain legal advice please speak directly with an attorney.
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Our frequently asked traffic ticket questions are based on the voluminous inquiries we receive daily. We’ve tried to think of it all, if you can think of something we can add or something you would like to know, please don’t hesitate to text message or call. (702) 888-6414
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