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NRS 483.550 Driving without valid license.
1. It is unlawful for any person to drive a motor vehicle upon a public street or highway in this State without being the holder of a valid driver’s license.
2. The court shall require any person convicted of violating this section to obtain a valid driver’s license or produce a notice of disqualification from the Department.
Types of Tickets we Handle
Traffic Ticket? Speeding Ticket? Need help with something below?
- Aggressive driving
- Boulder City Justice Court Traffic Tickets
- Boulder City Municipal Court Traffic Tickets
- Bunkerville Justice Court Traffic Tickets
- Commercial driver’s license tickets
- Careless driving
- Disobeying a signal
- Disobeying a sign
- Disregarding a red light
- Disregarding a stop sign
- Driver License Suspended
- Driver License Revoked
- Driving with a suspended license
- Driving under the influence
- Exhibition of Power
- Failure to Yield
- Failure to appear in court
- Failure to control speed
- Following too closely
- Goodsprings Justice Court Traffic Tickets
- Henderson Traffic Tickets
- Laughlin Justice Court Traffic Tickets
- Las Vegas Justice Court Traffic Tickets
- Las Vegas Municipal Court Traffic Tickets
- Las Vegas speeding ticket
- Metro Police Traffic Tickets
- Minor in possession of alcohol
- Moving violations
- Nevada Highway Patrol / NHP
- North Las Vegas Traffic Tickets
- North Las Vegas Justice Court Traffic Tickets
- North Las Vegas Municipal Court Traffic Tickets
- No child safety seat
- No liability insurance
- No Proof Of Insurance
- No Registration
- No seat belt
- No U-turn
- Obey traffic control devices
- Open container of alcohol
- Passing stopped school bus
- Racing (exhibition of speed)
- Reckless driving
- Speeding
- Talking on Cell Phone
- Texting While Driving
- Tinted windows
- Traffic accident
- Traffic citation
- Traffic violations
- Traffic Warrant
- Unpaid traffic tickets
- Vehicle inspection violations
- Warrant issue for arrest